
Universe will conspire
Universe will conspire

If I wonder why secular humanists create gods out of the universe and why scientists create gods out of nature, then I must ask myself, someone who ought to know better, why I create false gods too. Whenever I am sure that the world needs me to fix things - I kneel down and worship the idol I have put into my own heart. Whenever I worry over my life decisions - I give that calf a place of honor in my heart. Whenever I think I am responsible for my talents and the opportunities I find to use them - I create a golden calf.

universe will conspire

They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. It will be broken in pieces the calf of Samaria. The calf – a craftsman has made it it is not God. More importantly I see evidence of that behavior in my life. I used to wonder why the Israelites would set aside God to worship a chunk of gold in the shape of a cow but I see evidence of this same behavior all around me. Yet, we set Him aside and work to create some other supreme and mysterious being who guides our puny lives. We have a God who is all powerful, complete, all-knowing, benevolent and deeply interested in every aspect of our lives. It fascinates me how we as humans live a life that is so insecure that we conspire to create a god while simultaneously denying the God who does exist. If the temperatures drop below freezing I might have proof that the weather is out to get me. Yesterday, after church, someone walked off with my coat. It definitely seems to be conspiring against me. Guess what? Mother Nature isn’t a mother and she doesn’t conspire either! Although, it has not escaped my notice that I have had to work for every major snow and ice storm this year, so I am not so sure about the weather. If Humanists want a world without my God then why do they keep creating gods out of their world or the people who live in it? What I don’t understand is why this is true. I have the right to answer that question by asserting that my Heavenly Father plans my life, but I also know that assigning god-like characteristics to my God’s creation will be somehow better accepted. I know that I am guaranteed freedom of speech in the classes I take. Does it really conspire? Can it even think, much less plan and orchestrate our futures? More importantly, why am I seemingly studying astrology in my Psychology seminar class? However, I have never been able to assign human characteristics to the universe.

universe will conspire universe will conspire

I hear that it is always expanding, but then again, it might be contracting. I know the universe is huge, much bigger than what my puny brain can imagine. I know God made it but I wasn’t there to know if He did it quietly or accompanied Himself with a big bang.

universe will conspire

I was working through an assignment for my seminar class when I came across a question that began: “How does the universe conspire. How do I reword something that begins “I am a precious child of God. Sometimes it is impossible to rewrite the answers to suit a secular world. I must look for new ways to express parts of my philosophy that have been a great influence on what I have said and come to believe. My faith expressions have to be compartmentalized into a cordoned off area of my brain. Now I find myself in a school where I am strongly discouraged from expressing myself from the core of my being.

#Universe will conspire plus

I had the joy of 20 plus years in a job where I was required to share my faith in everything I did or said.

Universe will conspire