
Overcooked game
Overcooked game

overcooked game

When 'Saints Row' brings in the flying bikes, jets and rocket launchers, all this is lost.

overcooked game

When the 2022 version of 'Saints Row' focuses on the smaller character moments and wrestles with prevalent themes such as the gig economy, private military contractors, and living pay slip to pay slip, the game comes close to saying something profound about the genre it exists in. The time was right for a 'Saints Row' reboot that took the franchise back to basics, and it succeeds on those merits. 'Saints Row IV' was a final blowout for the franchise, taking its silliness to the nth degree by making players a superpowered American president, so a back-to-basics reboot is just what the doctor ordered.

overcooked game

In the build-up to launch, we revisited the franchise that started life as a 'Grand Theft Auto' knock-off that went on to forge its own identity, but the franchise has been dormant since 2013's 'Saints Row IV'. The sandbox genre has been a genre in need of innovation for a long time now, and 'Saints Row' is the latest game to fall victim to the trap of overthinking something that should be simple.

Overcooked game